How To Defrost A Turkey Crown. Well I removed at 1900 hours Christmas Eve so. 24 hours of defrosting time for every 4 to 5 pounds of bird.

Defrosting Turkey Crown. In a cool room below 175ºC 64ºF allow approximately three to four hours per kg or longer if the room is particularly cold. As a good rule 24 hours should be given to each 2kg of full turkey therefore if your turkey is 6 kilos allow three full days to defrost.
It doesnt matter if you cook your turkey from frozen or fresh you can use your leftovers to make a new meal.
I really dont think it will hurt if you leave it in the kitchen as you go to bed and whack it in the fridge in the morning. You can defrost a turkey outside of the fridge as long as the room is cool and stays below 175C. Have a look at your microwave manual if youve got one or set on the defrost function for 30 mins then for 5 min-bursts until defrosted. MFi3 v5 53 12531.