Haxchi. Haxchi swaps romzip of your DS VC game with a exploited one. Everything was working perfectly fine but today Ive turned on my Wii U loaded up Haxchi held down A and I continually get a black screen with -4 in the top left corner.

The title must NOT be on USB. 23 rows Haxchi nutzt einen Fehler im DS Virtual-Console-Emulator hachihachi. Installing CBHC though is FAR FAR more dangerous but will allow coldboot into patched menuhomebrew read this for more information.
Haxchi v25u1 and CBHC v15u1.
Turn off the Wii U then proceed to the next section. Installing Haxchi If you installed any of the Haxchi-compatible games we mentioned in the preparations you can now proceed to install Haxchi. 240 points Ranked 65453rd. The haxchi folder right now just consists of a simple replacement icon lo.