How Long Does A Torn Ligament Take To Heal. Here we have to reduce the load on the joint to allow the injury to heal. A torn ligament generally takes more time to heal than a torn muscle and re-injury can occur if one chooses to exercise too much or too early after the injury has occurred.

Development of stiffness over time after rupture of the human Achilles tendon. It leads to pain when moving the thumb and swelling in the joint above the thumb. Types of torn ligaments in the hand how long does a torn ligament take to heal.
There are additional treatments like physiotherapy that can help to reduce the recovery time for torn ligaments in ankle injuries.
Here are some general guidelines. Maximal ligament strength will occur after six weeks when the collagen fibres have matured. Recovery time More moderate sprains often take 3 to 6 weeks to heal entirely. Treatment of a ligament injury varies depending on its location and severity.