How Big Is The Moon Compared To Earth. It basically weighs 80 times less than our Earth. On the flip side the moons gravity is weaker than the earth due to smaller in size as compared to the earth.

If our Earth were hollow it would take around 50 Moons to fill it. Ganymede has a mean radius of 2634103 km about 1636 miles 0413 Earths. Image showing the size of the Moon when compared to Earth.
Our Moons diameter is more than a quarter of Earths diameter while its mass is 181 that of Earths.
While the moon is the solar systems fifth largest satellite its mass is 14 that of Earth which makes it the biggest when compared to the body that it orbits. Diameter of the Moon. 4 The number of Moons in our Solar System that are larger than our Moon Ganymede Titan Callisto and Io. Put another way Earth weighs 81 times more than the moon.