Calliope. The meaning of CALLIOPE is the Greek Muse of heroic poetry. You can build your own robots musical instruments and much more.

Calliope mini Playground also comes. Among other things she revealed that she is a big fan of MoistCr1TiKaL penguinz0 on YouTube and has expressed her desire to collab with him. It is used to attract attention for circuses and fairs.
At the behest of Zeus the king of the gods she judged the dispute between the goddesses Aphrodite and Persephone over Adonis.
Calliope in music a steam-whistle organ with a loud shrill sound audible miles away. Biologically she has a shorter sister named Minerva. Calliope is an international free to play MMORPG game. The Calliope mini editor is divided into four areas.