Universität Eichstätt. Die KU steht Studierenden aller Religionen und Glaubensrichtungen offen. The universitys faculties of philosophy and theology date back more than 400 years.

The KU is a modern university with a tradition that goes back several centuries. Foreign applicants are not excluded from the admission process. Eichstaett became a state-recognized university in 1980 but retained its independent status as a Catholic university open to students of all faiths.
Phone 49 8421 93-21016 E-mail international2kude Building Domplatz 8.
Im Wintersemester 20202021 wurden die Studierenden der Universitätsstudiengänge gebeten sich für ihre Präsenz-Klausuren vorzugsweise erst im zweiten Prüfungszeitraum anzumelden. The WFI Ingolstadt School of Management or WFI Ingolstadt is a leading German business school and the faculty of business administration and economics of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-IngolstadtThe WFI meaning Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät Ingolstadt is one of Germanys foremost business schools and the modern successor of Bavarias first. Exchange students must meet the following language requirements for a successful semester abroad at the KU. It is easy to meet people in Eichstätt.