Time In Bali. This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert CST to Bali India time and vice-versa. Current local time in Bali - check correct time in Bali Jakarta Raya Djakarta Raya Indonesia summerwinter time standard offset to GMT and time conversion dates for daylight savings time 2022.

Converting EST to Bali Time. The current local time in Bali is 15 minutes ahead of apparent solar time. Jakarta is 1 hour behind of Bali.
This time zone converter lets you visually and very quickly convert UTC to Bali India time and vice-versa.
Time for Bali to End Quarantine. Current local time in Indonesia Bali Denpasar. Sunrise sunset day length and solar time for Bali. Data for the years before 1970 is not available for Denpasar however we have earlier time zone history for Makassar available.