The Human Centipede. The movie often feels like a collection of crass stuff. Directed by Tom Six.

A mad scientist kidnaps and mutilates a trio of tourists in order to reassemble them into a human centipede created by stitching their mouths to each others rectums. Sempat dilarang tayang di seluruh Britania Raya New Zealand Australia dan beberapa negara lainnya serta mendapat rating rendah di IMDb dan Rotten Tomatoes menurut saya semua itu bisa dianggap sebagai sebuah pencapaian yang cukup membanggakan untuk sebuah film. Mungkin Banyak yang mengalami kendala karena film ini menggunakan bahasa English Deutsch 日本語 tapi tenang saja di Dramamu kami sudah menyediakan.
The Human Centipede merupakan film horor asal Belanda yang mengusung sub-genre body horor.
A mad scientist kidnaps and mutilates a trio of tourists in order to reassemble them into a human centipede created by stitching their mouths to each others rectums. The Human Centipede 2 streaming vf. The Human Centipede was released on Apr 26 2009 and was directed by Tom Six This movie is 1 hr 32 min in duration and is available in English language. And there is a scene toward the end as the Human Centipede attempts escape thats so piteous it transcends horror and approaches tragedy.