Square Foot Gardening. Schools across the nation and international humanitarian groups around the world are using the Square Foot Gardening method making inroads against poverty and hunger. Square Foot Basil Small 4 Large 1 Chive 16 1 Corn 4 Cucumber 2 Edamame Soybean 4 to 9 Eggplant 1.

The Square Foot Gardening SFG method was developed in the late 1970s by Mel Bartholomew who was looking for a way to produce more food in less space. The Secret Rebels Guide to Backyard Gardening. The system works by taking an area of land and dividing it up into square feet patches.
This method was invented by Mel Bartholomew an American TV presenter and author around 1970s.
Square Foot Gardening differs from most other gardening systems in that you dont use your native earth. Square foot gardening is a simple method of creating small orderly and highly productive kitchen gardens. Schools across the nation and international humanitarian groups around the world are using the Square Foot Gardening method making inroads against poverty and hunger. Square Foot Garden Planting Guide Adapted from All New Square Foot Gardening By Mel Bartholomew Cilantro 4 per square foot 9 per square foot 16 per square foot Warm Season Of plants per Vegetables.