Skull Shaver Reviews. Great shaver for 9583 GBP after price dropped. The Skull Shaver does make relatively quick work of shaving my head.

Skull Shaver is known for its highly effective patented design of electric shaver bodyhandle that is horizontal versus traditionally vertical handles. Our innovative patented designs bring never seen before convenience to head face and. Headblade also arrived on the scene around the same time with their unique design but for those looking for an electric shaver there arent too many other options on the market.
Is a battery powered electric shaver to provide a clean bald look that can be used wet or dry.
I was looking forward to using and reviewing the pro silver gold and platinum models after that experience. Skull Shaver is proud to introduce a whole new concept in face and head shaving. They are versatile and come in an ergonomic shape. Its no hassle no irritation and its easy to use.