Sicily. Things to Do in Sicily Italy. An Island with 5 regional parks and 77 nature reserves rolling and undulating hills green citrus trees carob trees and pistachios where exotic.

There are endless reasons to visit Sicily from the sea to the mountains by way of the countryside and fishing villages. Largest island in the Mediterranean. Regnu di Sicilia was a state that existed in the south of the Italian peninsula and for a time the region of Ifriqiya from its founding by Roger II of Sicily in 1130 until 1816.
Sicily definition an island in the Mediterranean constituting a region of Italy and separated from the SW tip of the mainland by the Strait of Messina.
Kephaloidion and Coephaledium for Greeks and Romans meaning head or also top extremity. Away from the main coastal train routes buses are generally the best way of getting around Sicily. The Mediterranean island is a foodies paradise offering rustic fare that makes the most of local bounty. Italy possesses up to 27 islands in the Mediterranean Sea including two of the largest islands.