Should You Cut Grass In Winter. Over-wet conditions can result in compaction and pushing down of mulch over time so keeping the grass height low will help keep it looking nice all winter long. This length is short enough to prevent snow mold but tall enough to avoid winter freeze burn.

Mowing your lawn at this height allows your grass plants to optimize their nutrients promotes root growth builds grass resilience to the cold winter weather. 100 you certainly should cut your grass before winter. During the winter we suggest getting your lawns cut every 3-4 weeks depending on where you are in the country its best to check with your regular Crewcut operator.
This is why some people still cut their grass lightly in the winter because it can become untidy over the months.
We always target March 1 for Central Indiana as long as theres no snow on the ground The past few years weve gotten a heavy snow at the end of March but it doesnt really matter by that point. Mowing your lawn at this height allows your grass plants to optimize their nutrients promotes root growth builds grass resilience to the cold winter weather. Cutting grass shorter in winter offers myriad long-term benefits for your lawn most notably increases its ability to resist extreme winter temperatures. Maintaining this length throughout the year will keep your lawn healthy during and after winter.