Serum Urea Level High. However it is unknown whether the age-related increase in urea is due to the increased prevalence of reduced renal function in the elderly population or is an unrelated age effect. Generally a high BUN level means your kidneys arent working well.

A recent confirmatory study validated this clinical application of urea measurement 31. An unsuitable increase in the activation of some organs of the body elevates the blood urea level. Adults up to 60 years of age.
High urea indicates increased protein breakdown which is associated with decreased immune function.
Infants have lower levels than other people do and the range in children varies. Nevertheless high levels of urea in blood are a serious concern which should be checked in time to prevent damage to the vital body organs and worsening of kidney function. However did just look at causes of high serum urea and there are often many causes that are not related to kidneys ranging from stress gastro issues infection obstruction of urine flowcorticosteroids and dehydration so I expect your docs not that concerned and will check if gone down on your next test. Increased urea production obstruction of urinary outflow and acute renal failure can also be the cause.