Self Certify 28 Days. Employees now able to self-certify for first 28 days In the last few days the government has changed the rules surrounding fit notes. Employment Alert Requirement to self-certify for SSP temporarily extended to 28 days.

Last week the SSP regulations were quietly amended on a temporary basis giving employees the ability to self-certify sickness absence for up to 28 days rather than the 7 days weve been used to. Under new temporary measures to give GPs more time to administer the booster jab self-certification has been extended from 7 to 28 days - you wont be required to produce a fit note for your work coach until after 26th January. However due to temporary changes made to current Regulations employees can now self-certify their sickness absence for the first 28 days.
Employees can now self-certify sickness for up to 28 days 20 December 2021 Government have announced that self-certification for sickness absence has been temporarily extended in light of the Covid-19 booster jab rollout.
The third occasion can only be used after the end of Term 3 2022. They now only need to attend a GP for a fit note if they have been ill for more than 28 days and have taken sick leave. Taught Postgraduate Masters students you can also self-certify on a third separate occasion. Employees can normally only self-certify absence for the first seven.