Root Vegetables. Examples of root vegetables are radish daikon and carrots. While growing deep in the earths soil root vegetables are clearly soaking up all of mother natures benefits.

Heres how to get the most out of these hardy root vegetables. Defined as an edible plant that grows underground potatoes carrots and onions are a few common examples that most. Root vegetables such as ginger helps in fighting nausea and morning sickness and are especially helpful for pregnant women.
Potatoes beets parsnips carrots celeriac sweet potatoes Jerusalem artichokes jicama yams and turnips.
This energy exists in the form of carbohydrates minerals proteins and vitamins and is one of the major reasons why so many root vegetables are consumed by humans. Root vegetables are sometimes vilified by keto and Paleo advocates because they have a higher starch and carbohydrate content than other vegetables. Per 100 grams cassava root provides. Root vegetables like celeriac  are Rich in vitamin K they regulate your blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart and hypertension.