Ndr Info Podcast Drosten. The document has moved here. Christian Drosten Lots And Lots Of Interview Requests Turned Up And Then The Idea For The Podcast.

More current information. All podcasts at one glance. We are dealing here with a perfect post-pandemic virus with a perfect first endemic virus says Drosten in the new episode of the NDR info podcast Coronavirus Update.
Drosten in the Corona podcast.
Then we would soon have a serious problem December 7 2021 by CA18 The delta virus is our problem until January the omicron virus is our problem until summer said Drosten on Tuesday in the NDR program The Coronavirus Update. The virologists Christian Drosten and Sandra Ciesek as explainers of pandemics have become beacons of scientifically based information. Christian Drosten Lots And Lots Of Interview Requests Turned Up And Then The Idea For The Podcast. We are dealing here with a perfect post-pandemic virus with a perfect first endemic virus says Drosten in the new episode of the NDR info podcast Coronavirus Update.