Natural Antacid. PH is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution and this determines how acidic or how. Calcium carbonate in the doses present in antacid products works by binding with the hydrogen in our stomachs hydrochloric acid HCl working to neutralize the acid into a more basic substance.

This unit has a design project called Natural Antacids where students design an antacid from a natural organic food that will neutralize the same amount of acid as an over the counter commercial antacid. There are many foods and drinks that act as natural antacids and are as effective as commercially prepared antacids. Tums and its store brand clones are bas.
Heartburn may be caused by the backflow of your stomach contents into your esophagus.
Why milk isnt the answer for stomach ulcers httpwwwdailymailco. Papaya is a good natural antacid. Chamomile tea can provide relief as well. No were not referring to the candy but licorice root tea its extracts or even fresh licorice slices.