Miles Morales Live Action. Now granted it was kinda contraversal that the made you heavily invest in this new Peter Parker. And I want MarvelSony to know that Im the perfect fit for the role.

While a lot of people are hoping for an appearance from the Spider-Men of Tobey Maguire and. In the movie Donald Glover who once campaigned to be a live action Miles plays Aaron Davis. But if you think it sucks then.
On top of this a live-action Miles Morales movie would introduce a live-action Spider-GwenGwen Stacy Hailee Steinfeld one of the.
Sony Reportedly Cast the Live-Action Miles Morales. Fan Casting Spider-Man. Homecoming already laid the foundations for Miles Morales appearance in the future of the MCU. Spider-Man producer teases live-action debut of Miles Morales.