Lazy Easy Elf On The Shelf Ideas. You can read more about it HERE. JUST MOVE THE ELF.

Grab a tube of toothpaste and have your elf write something cheeky on the counter. Your elf is there to monitor the naughty and nice list so when the kids are bad he wont be doing anything fun that night. Have your elf gift your kids something.
I know there are other parents out there like us that just dont have the time or energy for this thing.
It really doesnt get much easier than this. The Elf is here and lets all be honest not all of us can create some extravagant elf on the shelf idea every single night it can be time consuming so I have compiled Lazy Mom Elf on the Shelf Ideas for all of you who when doing this each night want to be lazy because spending an hour at night getting him or her all set up just is not in the time management plan. Let your elf bust out their best yoga moves with this next idea. So without further ado I give you the 25 some-what lazy and very easy elf on the shelf ideas.