Large Snake Pet Of Lord Voldemort. A large pet snake of Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter. In addition to other answers Nagini is a snake.

In the novel the snake is a Boa constrictor from Brazil not a python from Burma. Voldemort is obsessed with serpents Dumbledore himself states in the sixth book Nagini enhances Lord Voldemorts mystique. Also both their deaths contributed to Voldemort becoming mortal as the Basilisk fangs were used to destroy two Horcruxes and the venom absorbed by Godric Gryffindors Sword allowed the destruction of.
In addition to other answers Nagini is a snake.
The king cobra Ophiophagus hannah is the longest venomous snake in the world. The king cobra Ophiophagus hannah is the longest venomous snake in the world. She is also a supporting protagonist in Fantastic Beasts. He probably felt a connection to her he never felt to any living person.