How Much Do You Need To Earn To Pay Back Student Loan. The April 4 years after the course started if youre studying part-time. Once you do you can create a budget to determine how much you can realistically afford to pay in student loan payments each month and to select a repayment plan that best meets your financial.

Thats because youd be cutting about four years off your repayment term according to our lump-sum extra payment calculator. As you prepare to make your student loan payments youll want to have an idea of what your earnings and living expenses will be based on. For example if you earn 600 a week before tax your repayment will be 2520 600 - 390 x 012 2520.
Verify your loan or line of credit contract to figure out the following.
The interest rate that will be applied to your debt. Part-time students may not need to start paying back their federal student loans unless they drop below half-time attendance. The total amount you owe. The April 4 years after the course started if youre studying part-time.