Household Fund. This means that an eligible household who has already received the maximum of three payments from the ECP scheme and is facing hardship this winter can apply to the Household Support Fund for additional financial support. Support is available to households in Birmingham over the winter using funding from the governments Household Support Fund.

You can see further information on the. The Household Support Fund will assist households through small grants so that they can meet daily needs and purchase essential daily items such as food clothing and utilities. The government recently announced a new household support fund HSF grant running until 31 March 2022 will be made available to support families most in need this winter.
The Household Support Fund panel will provide management oversight and access of and to financial assistance for vulnerable children young people working age adults older people and families.
Through the DWP the Government has made available a new Household Support Fund HFD to County Councils and Unitary Authorities in England to support those in need this winter. The fund will be used to support households in the most need of help with food energy and water bills and essential costs such as boiler repairs and warm clothing. The Household Support Fund HSF is available to families and individuals who need support with fuel bills. Completed applications received by 13 December will be processed and paid by Friday 17 December.