Gum Recession. Suspect gum recession if any of the following occur on the gums. Gum recession is a condition in which the ridge of your gum tissue begins to pull back toward the tooth roots.

Gum recession occurs for several reasons from using too much pressure while brushing to gum disease. G um recession is a condition in which the ridge of your gum tissue begins to pull back toward the tooth roots. However you could probably amend that to say that it is identified most often when people are in their Forties.
Symptoms of receding gums may not become apparent until the condition has proceeded to a later stage.
If you have gum recession your dentist can help you understand the causes and recommend a treatment. When gums recede gaps can form between the gum and tooth allowing disease-causing bacteria to build up. Gum recession occurs when the gums pull away or recede exposing the roots below. Gum recession can leave a large portion of your tooth roots exposed causing you to experience temperature sensitivity when eating and drinking.