Gum Recession Treatment. It used to be that a gum graft was the only way to restore gum health after recession. If you want to know how to treat receding gums you can ask these four dental treatments on your next dentist visit.

Gum recession treatment is a type of periodontal surgery that is used to correct prevent or eliminate disease related problems in the gingiva or alveolar-mucosa that are caused by anatomical developmental traumatic or plaque-induced factors. This will not repair the existing damage but it will prevent new damage to the gums. If gum recession is caused by periodontal gum disease the first step is usually a deep cleaning treatment called scaling SKAY-ling and root planing PLAY-ning.
If gum recession is caused by periodontal disease the first step is usually a treatment called scaling.
These procedures remove plaque and tartar from below the gumline where regular brushing. In this procedure they clean the bacteria formed in the pockets between your gums and teeth giving your gums a chance to heal. Otherwise it may get worse. If your gum recession cannot be treated with deep cleaning because of excess loss of bone and pockets that are too deep gum surgery may be required to repair the damage caused by gum recession.