Gregg Wallace Inside The Factory. Gregg follows 24 hours of production at a cake factory in Oldham near Manchester where they make two million Christmas cakes for Marks and Spencer. Gregg Wallace visits a factory which produces a staggering 2000000 tins of festive chocolate assortments a year.

The new episode was shown last night 22 December. Wallace rocked up at Woodmansternes Watford site during the height of summer with the greetings card publisher and printer gearing up for Christmas. Gregg Wallace visits the Woodmansterne card factory in in Watford.
The BBC show is part of the hugely popular Inside the Factory series hosted by presenters Gregg Wallace Cherry Healey and Ruth Goodman.
Inside the Factory. How our favorite foods and products are made. Get all of the latest Hertfordshire news direct to your inbox by signing up to our free newsletter. Producer of chilled savoury products Addo.