Fundsmith Equity. Find the latest Fundsmith Equity T Acc 0P0000RU7WL stock quote history news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. The Fundsmith Equity Fund managed by Terry Smith and his team is a fund that has an impressive track-record of beating its benchmark index which is the MSCI World index.

To do so however retail investors can get exposure to Fundsmith Equity via Investment Linked Policy. Key statistics for Fundsmith Equity I Acc GB00B41YBW71 plus portfolio overview latest price and performance data expert insights and. The Funds approach is to be a long-term investor in its chosen stocks.
Key statistics for Fundsmith Equity I Acc GB00B41YBW71 plus portfolio overview latest price and performance data expert insights and.
Fundsmith Equity Class I - Accumulation GBP Sell. The table above shows that for the first half of 2021 the Fundsmith Equity fund underperformed comparative to the sector which prompted investors to withdraw from the fund earlier in the year in favour of value funds which saw huge inflows during the same period. Fundsmith Equity I Acc. Semi-Annual Report and Unaudited Financial Statements.