Eva Herman Podcast. Aktuelle Meldungen - Eva Herman. Mit Eva Herman immer auf dem Laufenden bleiben.

A Q and A with the German journalist who broke the story of an extremist colony in Cape Breton. A screenshot from trailer of 2019 AZK conference in Europe with speakers Andreas Popp and Eva Herman centre on the bill as speakers. The announcers revealed that the German federal government is Read More.
Kelly Jonathan Banks Kristoffer Tabori.
Under the title Everything is Connected the 2015 meeting mixed a cocktail of conspiracy theories resentment and esotericism featuring rightwing celebrities like Nigel Farage Eva Herman and Andreas Popp. Dann bist du bei Eva Herman und Andres Popp genau richtig. Germanys largest weekly magazine Der Spiegel is reporting that a right-wing network of prominent Germans including Eva Herman a well-known former news presenter on German television is setting up a colony of far-right radicals and ideologues in Canada and theyve been buying land in their chosen location none other than Cape Breton Island. Germanys public broadcaster ARD fired its well-known talk show host and controversial book author Eva Herman after she praised Nazi family politics.