Dow Jones. The Dow Jones Industrial Average consists of 30 blue-chip stocks. It was once founded by a few editors of the Wall Street Journal.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Dow Jones or simply the Dow is a price-weighted measurement stock market index of 30 prominent companies. Get all information on the Dow Jones. 31 rows Dow Jones 30 Industrial Today.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 20 points or 01 tl 35710 while.
DJIA the Industrial Average Dow Jones DJI the Dow 30 measures the stock performance of thirty leading blue-chip US. The Dow is an index that follows the 30 major American companies. A price-weighted index uses the price per share for each stock included and divides the sum by the total number of stocks in the index. The Dow Jones index is influenced by corporate and economic reports but also by domestic and global events in politics and their ramifications.