Dogs In Game Of Thrones. We are incredibly proud that dogs bred by Mahlek were selected to play some of the Direwolves in season 1 of Game of Thrones. Its a dark dingy picture.

Northern Inuit dogs originally had some traces of wolf in their bloodline but that it has been bred out over the generations as they. In the opening scenes in Season 1 Winter is Coming the five Stark children Robb Sansa Bran Arya and Rickon plus the bastard Jon Snow each adopt a Direwolf puppy after they find the orphaned litter in the Wolfswood beside their dead mother. Since 2017 according to latest Embark DNA there is small percentage of grey-Wolf present under 15.
Northern Inuit Dogs were used in the filming of the television series Game of Thrones to portray dire wolves.
Northern Inuit dogs Computer-generated The Northern Inuit dogs were used in the first two seasons. Legendary and magical creatures Dragons count as an animal as they are not created by magical spells. This dog breed is a close relative to Huskies. HBO trialed lots of breeds of dogs to play the Direwolves but settled on Northern Inuits because of there wolfy looks and fantastic temperament.