Does Yennefer Regain Her Powers. In episode 8 Geralt Yennefer and Ciri have a dangerous encounter with a mysterious witch known as. Both were presumed dead to the rest of the world although ballads sung by Dandelion led some to believe they had married and lived in the happy isles.

Its either power and magic or having a family of their own something. Yennefer helps Triss to fight the mad mob and finally makes it to Geralt but the Witcher is already dying. If Yennfer lost her vision after the second battle of sodden and got it back then why couldnt philipa restore her visioneyes.
Ciri who teleports to other worlds just like that which was her most powerful ability.
She then departed using her powers to leave their world. A new character to The Witcher universe the Deathless Mother has promised to help her regain it but are her intentions all good. Yennefer loses something more in her mission to regain her magic. In terms of narrative witchers and sorceresses not being able to have children makes sense as they cant have it all.