Dca Crypto. Dollar-cost averaging is a suitable investment strategy for any volatile asset class. If the price drops to 50 USD and you buy another unit then you now have 2 unites for 150 USD.

DCA is Dollar Cost Averaging. Dollar-cost averaging is a suitable investment strategy for any volatile asset class. Coinbase is my favorite crypto exchange for my DCA strategy.
Investing 100 in CRO from Sep 2021 to Dec 2021 every 7 days 1400 in total would result in 274277 of value.
While this can be in the form of purchasing a single asset on a regular interval we will be focusing on the strategy from the portfolio perspective. Coinbase is my favorite crypto exchange for my DCA strategy. Dollar cost averaging is a powerful strategy for investors looking to get long-term exposure to Bitcoin. If the price drops to 50 USD and you buy another unit then you now have 2 unites for 150 USD.