Cytomegalie. IVEGAM-CMV Cytomegalie-Immunglobulin vom Menschen not available 0214315 CAFDCF LU Cytotect CP Biotest 100 Eml Infusionslösung DEH4905001 6A96 BIOTEST PHARMA GMBH DE Cytotect CP Biotest 100 Eml oldatos infúzió DEH4905001 OGYI-T-876504 BIOTEST PHARMA GMBH HU Cytotect CP Biotest100 Eml. Cytomegalovirus pronounced si-to-MEG-a-lo-vi-rus or CMV is a virus that belongs to the Herpesviridae family hence its older name human herpes virus 5 HHV 5.

Latency and reactivation of CMV influence the interpretation of serological results. Cytomegalovirus or CMV is a virus that is commonly transmitted in childhood and early adulthood. Predictor of clinical outcomes.
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CMV is a virus that lies dormant in the body and spreads through bodily fluids. Jedną z dróg zakażenia może być transfuzja krwi lub transplantacja narządów. Konsekwencje cytomegalii dotyczą głównie osób które mają problemy z odpornością. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sourcesUnsourced material may be challenged and removed.