Covid Portugal. Portugal returns to COVID restrictions despite high jab rate. Portugal is bringing back tight pandemic restrictions amid a rise in COVID-19 infections.

A new Covid-19 variant may be sweeping across Europe but in Portugal omicron is being met with new restrictions and restraint. Because of the current situation in Portugal even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants. COVID-19 infections are increasing in Portugal with 5994 new infections reported on average each day.
The lines are smoothed for better visualisation and are coloured according to each region of Portugal.
Portugal which has one of the worlds highest COVID-19 vaccination rates last week announced the return of curbs to slow the epidemics spread. There have been 1253094 infections and 18840 coronavirus-related deaths reported in the country since the pandemic began. Portugal has today registered 11 more deaths associated with covid-19 and 8937 infections the highest number of new cases since February 4 indicates the General Directorate of Health DGS. Portugal has inoculated 86 of the country against COVID-19 but its prime minister is warning that a recent surge in infections across Europe compels it to consider taking precautionary measures.