Changing Room. Changing Rooms was originally hosted by Carol Smillie and assisting with the remodelling was a Cockney carpenter Handy Andy Kane. The non-profit project space Changing Room in Berlin specializes in performance and sound work and methodically deals with an interdisciplinary transdisciplinary and transcultural way of working.

With Carol Smillie Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen Andy Kane Graham Wynne. Refers to person place thing quality etc. Definition of changing room.
With 2 days 500 pounds a professional designer and a handyman two couples are given the opportunity to redo a room in each others homes.
Changing Room was foundet end of 2018 by Tatiana Echeverri Fernandez. Changing rooms are provided in a semi-public situation to enable people to change clothes with varying degrees of privacy. Definition of changing room. With Carol Smillie Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen Andy Kane Graham Wynne.