Calf. Its not uncommon for long-term medical patients to experience a bit of calf love for their nurses or doctors after a while. Calf pain usually presents with a sharp pain or even a dull aching pain with some tightness at the back of the leg in the calf muscle area.

A calf is a young cow. Calf circumference correlates positively with muscle mass and calf circumference 31 cm has been associated with disability Rolland et al 2003. Ben always devotes himself to some new calf love that he can pour his adoration.
CALF is listed in the Worlds largest and most authoritative dictionary database of.
A young cow or bull. The word calf can mean either a baby cow or bull or the area of the back of your leg between your ankle and knee. To fix as a piece of iron in a wall with cement or plaster etc. Normally there is a sudden pain in the calf and you may feel a pop snap or tear.