Best Time Of Year To Sow Grass Seed. The best time to seed cool-season grasses is late summer. You can sow Lawn UK lawn seed mixtures at any time from late March to mid-October providing that in periods of unusually dry weather the seedbed is kept constantly moist until the grass is about 6cm 25 inches high.

However there are some general guidelines to follow. The absolute best time to seed or overseed your Illinois lawn is in the late summer to early fall from mid-August to mid-September. Youre likely to get warm temperatures and plenty of rain.
The best times of the year to sow grass seed is generally regarded as spring and autumn.
That being said timing is everything. There are several reasons why autumn is the best time to sow grass seed. The best times of the year to sow grass seed is generally regarded as spring and autumn. If you want to plant cool-season grasses spring seeding is the best option.