Antifungal Powder. Ointments creams and powders of nystatin miconazole and clotrimazole are available. Micro-Guard Powder Antifungal Powder with Miconazole Nitrate 2 3 Oz 95 90 96 3.

If you like it just double the recipe the next time. The powder allows the infection to heal preventing it from spreading to other. Best Antifungal Powder 1 Pick.
I will walk through the steps to make it right at home.
FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. Remedy Antifungal Powder uses miconazole nitrate 2 which works by disrupting the organisms membrane structure and function to inhibit fungal growth. Tinactin is proven clinically effective in the treatment of most jock itch when used daily as directed. The molecular formula for nystatin is C 47 H 75 NO 17.