Amitriptyline And Alcohol. Alcohol and amitriptyline can also interact to cause high blood pressure. Acute Intoxication with Alcohol or Chronic consumption with liver damage tends to inhibit hepatic drug metabolism.

You can drink alcohol while youre taking amitriptyline but it could make you feel drowsy. Adverse side effects that have been seen in people taking this drug include nausea stomach discomfort and drowsiness. Ive been prescribed Amitriptyline for nerve pain.
The liver is responsible for metabolizing both alcohol and medications adding additional burden especially in those with medical problems.
Therefore drinking alcohol while on amitriptyline will affect the blood levels of the amitriptyline and keep it from working as good. Individuals taking this medication should avoid alcohol in order to reduce the risk of experiencing severe side effects. It is recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol while taking this medicine because it may enhance drowsiness. And it is advised that you do not to drink alcohol when you start taking it.