Ambroxolo. Ambroxol adalah obat untuk meredakan batuk berdahak akibat beberapa kondisi seperti bronkitis atau emfisema. The initiation of the action occurs after about 30 minutes when administered orally.

A Clinical Trial to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of 1-week Treatment of Intravenous N-acetylcysteine NAC 600 mg Twice Daily Ambroxol Hydrochloride 30 mg Twice Daily and Placebo as Expectorant Therapies in Adult Chinese Patients With Respiratory Tract Diseases and Abnormal Mucus Secretions - Full Text View. 12 teaspoonful every 8 hours. 15 mg2 ml solution for inhalation 30 units.
AMBROXOLO ABC 30 mg compresse not available 025105014 ABC FARMACEUTICI SPA.
This regimen may be used for the treatment of acute disorders and. This single-center open-label nonrandomized noncontrolled trial assesses the safety tolerability cerebrospinal fluid penetration and biochemical changes associated with ambroxol therapy for the treatment of patients with Parkinson disease with and without mutations in the glucocerebrosidase. Ambroxol is a secretolytic agent used in the treatment of respiratory diseases associated with viscid or excessive mucus. IT Broncoliber not available 9545517 TECNIMEDE - SOCIEDADE TÉCNICO-MEDICINAL SA PT.